A Woman That Can Build Can Destroy

 I seize the opportunity that comes with the perpetual underestimation of women. Despite others underestimating you, it's crucial not to underestimate yourself. Reflect on your achievements, ongoing accomplishments, and future goals – you deserve the title of Queen for all that you are.

Juggling responsibilities alongside monthly challenges like cramps, migraines, and mood swings, you embody the essence of "O She Bad." Whether launching a business, blog, or vlog, or initiating an empowering community or group, gone are the days of dictated actions.

As women, we possess the innate ability to create and nurture life, showcasing limitless power and strength. Surround yourself with positivity, maintain a positive mindset, and extend kindness to others. Instead of tearing down, utilize your inner strength to build.

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By Marion Bekoe. 


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