Marion Bekoe’s Infinite Pendant Jewelry Collection The Pride Of Chaisbek Brand


The concept of infinity serves as my inspiration; from naming my inaugural company "No Limits," a delivery service, to merging the O's in my name (MariOn BekOe) into an infinite logo, I've always embraced boundless energy.

Believing fervently in the influence of words and energy, I speak affirmations of infinite health, happiness, blessings, knowledge, wisdom, and love over my life, consistently incorporating the term "infinite" to reflect my vision of endless possibilities.

My aspiration is to establish Canada's largest shelter for homeless and abused individuals, expanding it internationally to offer infinite hope. This endeavor requires the creation and launch of my own business, with the shelter serving as just the beginning of a broader mission.

Fostering joy in others is a personal priority; while not perfect, I strive for continuous improvement to contribute positively to the world. Thus, I founded, an homage to my grandparents, Charlotte (Cha) and Isaac (Is) Bekoe, who served as my sources of inspiration.

My grandfather's dedication as a police officer and my grandmother's resilience as a trader shape my values and drive. Grateful for their influence, I attribute my knowledge and skills to them and to divine guidance. Purchases from Chaisbek contribute to my goal, with a portion supporting our nonprofit foundation.

Embracing the concept of infinite possibilities, my journey is just beginning.

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By Marion Bekoe. 


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