
Showing posts from November, 2021

Marion Bekoe’s Infinite Pendant Jewelry Collection The Pride Of Chaisbek Brand

  The concept of infinity serves as my inspiration; from naming my inaugural company "No Limits," a delivery service, to merging the O's in my name (MariOn BekOe) into an infinite logo, I've always embraced boundless energy. Believing fervently in the influence of words and energy, I speak affirmations of infinite health, happiness, blessings, knowledge, wisdom, and love over my life, consistently incorporating the term "infinite" to reflect my vision of endless possibilities. My aspiration is to establish Canada's largest shelter for homeless and abused individuals, expanding it internationally to offer infinite hope. This endeavor requires the creation and launch of my own business, with the shelter serving as just the beginning of a broader mission. Fostering joy in others is a personal priority; while not perfect, I strive for continuous improvement to contribute positively to the world. Thus, I founded, an homage to my grandparents, Cha

Don't Associate Yourself With Words That Limits Your Potential

 The potency of words is a force often overlooked. Have you ever spoken something into existence, whether in jest or whispered quietly to yourself, only to realize it came true? It was at a young age that I recognized the profound power of words. Acknowledging that the tongue holds the power of life and death, I consciously choose to speak positive, beautiful, encouraging, motivational, and inspirational words over my life. This deliberate choice shields me from negative thoughts, people, or energy. Understanding the impact of my words, I strive to use them to uplift rather than break others. Embracing the unique energy of the word "infinite," I surround myself with aspirations of infinite health, prosperity, growth, wisdom, knowledge, grace, peace, and love daily. Start incorporating uplifting and motivating words into your self-talk, and observe the positive changes around you. Life is about making choices – whether good or bad, positive or negative, that power is within yo

A Woman That Can Build Can Destroy

  I seize the opportunity that comes with the perpetual underestimation of women. Despite others underestimating you, it's crucial not to underestimate yourself. Reflect on your achievements, ongoing accomplishments, and future goals – you deserve the title of Queen for all that you are. Juggling responsibilities alongside monthly challenges like cramps, migraines, and mood swings, you embody the essence of "O She Bad." Whether launching a business, blog, or vlog, or initiating an empowering community or group, gone are the days of dictated actions. As women, we possess the innate ability to create and nurture life, showcasing limitless power and strength. Surround yourself with positivity, maintain a positive mindset, and extend kindness to others. Instead of tearing down, utilize your inner strength to build. Check out and  For an opportunity to earn money through sharing, visit Join as an agent to share and earn or as

The Share Agency The Future Of Advertising And Earning Money Online.

  Embarking on The Share Agency presents an excellent opportunity to earn money conveniently from your home or any location. The Share Agency transforms sharing into a lucrative venture, creating the $hare Family—a business where you make money by sharing with friends and family. Beyond the altruistic act of sharing, The Share Agency turns it into a literal money machine. Joining the community showcases your selflessness as you help promote businesses, elevate people's recognition, and generate buzz for new products. Share your unique referral code from your Share Account with friends and family to earn compensation for their participation. Whether it's downloading a new mobile application, creating an account, or testing a product, you'll be compensated for your efforts. The more downloads your referral code generates, the more money you earn. As your family and friends join, they also earn, potentially increasing their earnings by sharing their referral codes. When creati

I'm Not Afraid To Lose. I’ve Already Lost If Risks Are Not Taken

  I've learned to diminish the power of fear through daily positive affirmations. Choosing positivity in interactions, I recognize that while we can't control external events, we can control our reactions. Starting a business and creating brands seemed unimaginable for me, but here I am, fearlessly taking on challenges. Initiating action erodes fear over time. During moments of self-doubt, seek support from friends, family, or online groups. I'm fortunate to have a supportive family, especially my rock, my mother, who instills confidence and encouragement. Facing terrifying fears, replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Take a leap of faith with a positive mindset; the absence of risks is a loss in itself. Check out and  Explore earning opportunities at, whether as an agent or promoting your business through their peer-to-peer sharing system. By Marion Bekoe.

The Abnormal Ones Standout. Thankfully I’m Abnormal.

I penned this with genuine feelings; proudly abnormal, I seldom conform to expectations, prioritizing my own joy and mental well-being over others' opinions. Focusing on my happiness and mental health is essential for self-care and providing the best care for others. Don't let people limit your potential with their fears; stand firm, say no, and forge your own path. Whether contemplating new business ideas or hesitant about a relationship, maintain a positive attitude. Even if things don't pan out, embrace it. "If" is the key – no regrets, just lessons for the next journey. Embrace being different, stand out, and prioritize your happiness over pleasing others. Visit and  Explore earning opportunities with, either as an agent or by promoting your business through their peer-to-peer sharing system. By Marion Bekoe.

I Don't Talk About My Vision.I Show It.

Acknowledging is one thing; action is another. Instead of merely talking about my plans, I've trained myself to demonstrate them through actions, keeping my endeavors more private. When questions arise, or research is needed, I handle it without broadcasting every step. People take you seriously when they witness your actions, not just hear about them. If you have business ideas, pursue them, but be cautious with whom you share them; not everyone understands, and some may discourage based on their limitations. Safeguard your ideas, bring them to life, and let success speak for itself. Start, show, and move forward without excessive talk. Even if some dismiss your achievements, if you turn an idea into reality, that's what matters. Explore and Earn money by sharing through, either as an agent or by promoting your business through their peer-to-peer sharing system. By Marion Bekoe.

The Right Mindset Is The First Step Towards The Journey.

 In the midst of life's challenges, I've consciously trained my mind to remain positive and thankful. It took months to cultivate this mindset, but now, even in tough times, I express gratitude, knowing things could be worse. Adopting a positive perspective and acknowledging that situations could be more challenging fosters a perpetual sense of gratitude. Program your mind positively, starting with gratitude. If you lose $100 in an investment, acknowledge the setback but appreciate that it could have been worse, like losing $200. My personal mantra is, "I'll start it, I'll make it, and I'll be successful." Flip it for yourself: "You'll start it, you'll make it, and you'll be successful." It's uplifting to begin each day with a positive thought. Consider the changes you want to make or the dreams you've deferred out of fear. This is your sign from the universe – you can do it, and you will succeed. Start by securing a domain na